Thursday 25 August 2016


In the last two lessons, we have been learning about magnets and what they do. We learnt that the north and south pole on a magnet point to the north and south pole on the planet. Magnets have an invisible line of force. Using iron filings, you can see these lines. The core of the earth is one big magnet and the biggest magnet on earth is the earth. You need to be careful around credit cards if you have a magnet.  Image result for earth magnet GIF


WALT-To create a piece of personal writing using complex sentences, adjectives and similes.

“He is new to the game it’s Ryan McNoo verse the undefeated champion Mutant Chicken.” “The Mutant Chicken comes in with a big swing ouch”. “Things are not looking good for Ryan McNoo”. “What is that he has got in his hand is that what i think it is paul”.”Don't know paul”.” It's chicken that illegal Paul”. “Jeff you can do anything in this sport”. “The Mutant Chicken is eating it...What does Ryan McNoo have in his hand... Is that a bat?”.”Yes, it is Jeff ouch in the back of the neck”.”He's going down BANG!!!”.” That's gotta hurt now it is time for the countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 Is the Mutant Chicken getting up’’.”Yes he is Jeff”.” He's getting bigger i think we might have to say goodbye to Ryan McNoo”.”Ryan McNoo is pulling something out of his pocket is that a minigun”.”Yes, it is Jeff like i said anything is possible in this game but i think after this match we might want to add some rules”.”No, never this game is to enjoying”. BANG BANG BANG!!! “I think the Mutant Chicken is dead”.”You think look over there he is”. If you want more then next up is Ryan McNoo verse Lorcan Rabbitus Maximus. “I would like to see this one, Paul”.

Friday 12 August 2016

Me Poster

In class, we had to do a poster about us and what we like this is my one.
